CISSP – Glossary Term E

CISSP LogoThis is my personal glossary about my preparation for obtain CISSP Certification and understand all Security keywords.  Here all keywords  beginning by letter E.




Electromagnetic Inteference (EMI): Electrical noise generated by the different charges between the three electrical wire (Hot, neutral, and ground) and can be common-mode noise (Cased by hot and ground) or traverse-mode noise (caused by hot and neutral).

Electronic Code Book (ECB): One of four operating modes for DES, ECB operates on 64-bits blocks of plaintext independently and produces 64-bits blocks of ciphertext and it’s native mode for DES operation.

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP): In IPSec, a protocol that provides confidentiality (Encryption) and limited authentification.

Encryption: The process of transforming plaintext to ciphertext.

end-to-end encryption: A process by which pakets are encrypted once at the original encryption source and then decrypted only at the final decryption destination.

Enticement: Luring someone toward certain evidence after that individual has already committed a crime.

Entrapment: Encouraging someone to commit a crime that the individual may have had no intention of commuting.

Escalation of privilege: An attack where the attacker is using some means ti bypass security controls in order to attain a higher privilege level on the target system.

Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES): Divides a secret key into two parts, and places those parts into escrow with two separate, trusted organizations. Published by NIST in FISP PUB 185 (1994).

Espionage: The practice of spying or using spies to obtain proprietary or confidential information.

Ethernet: A common bus-topology network transport protocol.

Ethics: Professional principes and duties that guide decisions and behavior.

European Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC): Formal evaluation criteria that address confidentiality, Integrity, and availability on entire system (CIA).

Evidence life cycle: The various phases of evidence, from its initial discovery to its final disposition. The evidence life cycle has the following five stages:

  1. Collection and identification
  2. Analysis
  3. Storage
  4. Preservation, and transportation
  5. Presentation in court; and return to the victim (owner)

Exclusive Or (XOR): A binary operation applied to two input bits. If the two bits are equal the result is zero. If the two bits are not equal, the result is one.

Exigent circumstances: If probable cause exists and the destruction of evidence is imminent, property/or people may be searched and/or evidence may be seized by law enforcement personnel without search warrant.

Expert systems: A type of artificial intelligence system based on an inference engine (A program that attempts to derive answers) and knowledge base.

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP): A remote access control protocol that implements various authentification mechanisms, including MD5, S/Key, generic token cards, and digital certificates. Often used in wireless network (wifi).

Extranet: An intranet that has been extended to include external parties, such as customers, partners, and suppliers.