CISSP – Glossary Term B

Glossary for my CISSP Preparation - Source: Glossary from CISSP for dummies

CISSP LogoThis is my personal glossary about  preparation for my CISSP Certification and understand all Security keywords.  Here all keywords  beginning by letter B.



Background check: The process of verifying a person’s professional, financial and legal background, usually in connection with employment.

Baseline: A process that identifies a consistent basis for an organization’s security architecture, taking into account system-specific parameters, such as different operating systems.

Bell-LaPadula Model: A formal confidentiality model that define two basic properties:

  • Simple Security Property (ss property): A subject can’t read information from an object that has a higher sensitivity label than the subject (no read up, NRU).
  • Star Property (* property): A subject can’t write information to an object that has a lower sensitivity label than the subject (no write done, or NWD)

Best evidence: Original, unaltered evidence, which is preferred by the court over secondary evidence.

Best evidence rule: Defined in the Federal Rules if Evidence; state that “to prove the content of a writing, recording, or photograph, the original writing, recording, photograph is (ordinarily) required.

Biba Model: A formal integrity model that defines two basic properties:

  • Simple integrity property: A subject can’t read information from an object that has a lower integrity level than the subject (no read down, or NRD)
  • Star integrity property (*-integrity property): A subject can’t write information to an object that has a higher integrity level than the subject (no write up, NWU).

Biometrics: Any of various means used, as part of an authentication mechanism, to verify the identity of a person. Types of biometrics used include fingerprints, palm prints, signatures, retinal scans, voice scans and keystroke pattern.

Birthday Attack: A type of attack that attempts to exploit the probability of two messages using the same hash function and producing the same message digest.

Black-Box testing: A security test wherein the tester has no prior knowledge of the system being tested.

Blackout: Total loss of electric power.

Block cipher: An Encryption Algorithm that divides plaintext into fixed-size blocks or characters or bits, and then uses the same key on each fixed-size block to produce corresponding cipher suite.

Bridge: A network device that forwards packets to other devices on a network.

Brownout: Prolonged drop in voltage from an electric power source, such as a public utility.

Brute-Force Attack: A type of attack in which the attacker attempts every possible combination of letters, numbers,, and characters to crack a password, passphrase, or PIN.

Buffer (or stack) overflow attack: A type of attack in which the attacker enters an out-of-range parameter or intentionally exceeds the buffer capacity of a system or application to effect a Denial of  Services (DoS) or exploit a vulnerability.

Bus (Computer Architecture): The logical interconnection between basic components in a computer system, including Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory and peripherals.

Bus (Network topology): A network topology in which all devices are connected to a single cable.

Business Impact Assessment (BIA): A Risk Analysis that, a part of a Business Continuity Pan, describe the impact to Business operations that the loss of various IT Systems would impose.