Open Source : Removing Lanscape advert from Ubuntu Server

Exclude external link configuration from your server

ubuntuWhen you’re connect to your server, you have text say”Graph this data and manage this system at:“. I purpose to remove it but keeping all information for us locally.

You need to edit the script locate here:

/etc/update-motd.d# vi 50-landscape-sysinfo

On this script we will add this option (blue text)

 /usr/bin/landscape-sysinfo --exclude-sysinfo-plugins=LandscapeLink

and now you have on your system all information without external link.


  System information as of jeudi 23 octobre 2014, 15:13:14 (UTC+0200)

  System load:  0.0                Processes:           77
  Usage of /:   12.4% of 11.43GB   Users logged in:     1
  Memory usage: 3%                 IP address for eth0: 19x.1x0.10x.xx
  Swap usage:   0%

Enjoy 🙂