Tag Archive for PCI SSC

PCI DSS – SAQ and Attestation of Compliance

Choice the good SAQ for your businessI had checked on the PCI SSC web site how to build and run compliance PCI without standard AOC for a merchants and small providers in self evaluating. Great news it’s possible but there are multiple version of the PCI DSS SAQ to meet various payment acceptance scenarios. Remember…

PCI DSS – Tokenization

The tokenization is really necessary on PCI DSS area ?The tokenization is or not a good solution for PCI DSS requirements ? I’m not sure to find on this technical solution a good way to reduce the scope but I’m sure to enforce the security of my PCI DSS Area…let’s go for more understand this.…

PCI Security Standards Coucil

The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council website isn(t a a security Website per se, but it is full of very useful and helpful security information related to the most far-reaching and comprehensive Industry security standards today. PCI DSS is applicable on any organization that process, transmit or stores payment  cards data. So it’s…