CISSP – Glossary Term D

CISSP LogoThis is my personal glossary about my preparation for obtain CISSP Certification and understand all Security keywords.  Here all keywords  beginning by letter D.



Data Dictionary: A database of Databases

Data Encryption Standard (DES): A commonly used symmetric key algorithm that uses a 56-Bits key and operates on 64-bits blocks.

Data Warehouse: A special- purpose database used for decision support or reseach purposes.

Database Management Systems (DBMS): Restricts access by different subjects to various object in a database.

DCE: Data Communication Equipment. See also DTE.

Decryption: The process of transforming ciphertext into plaintext.

Defense in depth: The principle of protecting assets by using layers of dissimilar mechanism.

Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCP): A program that formalizes the certification and accreditation process for U.S. Department of Defense information systems.

Demonstrative evidence: Evidence that is used to aid the court’s understanding of a legal case.

Denial of Service (Dos): An attack on a system or network with the intention of making the system or the network unavailable for use.

Detective Controls: Controls that identify violations and incidents.

Deterrent controls: Control that discourage violations.

Diameter: The next-generation RADIUS protocol.

Dictionary attack: A focused type of brute-force attack in which a predefined word list is used.

Diffie-Hellman: A key agreement algorithm based on discrete logarithms.

Digital Certificate: A certificate that binds an identity with a public encryption key.

Digital Signature Standard (DSS): Published by the NIST in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 186-1, DSS specifies two acceptable algorithms in its standard: The RSA Digital Signature Algorithm and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).

Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL): A high-Bandwidth communication protocol that operates over analog telecommunications voice lines.

Direct Evidence: Oral testimony or a written statement bases on information gathered through the witness’s five senses that proves or disproves a specific fact or issue.

Discretionary access control (DAC): An access policy determined by the owner of a file or other ressource. See also Mandatory Access Control (MAC).

Disk Mirroring (RAID Level 1): When a duplicate copy of all data is written to another disk or set of disks.

Disk stripping (RAID Level 0): When data is written across multiple disk but doesn’t provide redundancy or fault tolerance.

Disk striping with parity (Raid Level 5): When data is written across multiple disks, along with parity data that provide fault tolerance if one disk fails.

Distributed Application: A software application whose components reside in several systems or locations.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): An attack where the attacker initiates simultaneous denial of service attacks from many systems.

Documentary evidence: Evidence that is used in legal proceedings, including originals and copies of business records, computer-generated and computer-stored records, manuals, policies, standards, procedures, and log files.

Domain: A collection of users, computers, and ressources that have a common security policy and single administration.

DTE: Data Terminal Equipment. See also DCE.

Due care: The steps that an organization takes to implement security best practices.

Due diligence: The prudent management and execution of due care.

Dumpster Diving: The process of examining garbage with the intention of finding valuable goods or information.

Dynamic Password: A password that changes at some regular interval or event.